7.Abraham Lincoln May Have Had Syphilis While President
If Abraham Lincoln had syphilis, he was killed before the symptoms became too severe.
In America, syphilis was common at the time because there was no protection from the disease and no real cure.
Even though Lincoln was shot before the later stages of syphilis were manifested, there is medical evidence that Lincoln had the disease. There is also considerable evidence that he gave the disease to his wife.
Before Lincoln married his wife, Mary Todd, he often consorted with prostitutes, which could have been where he contracted the disease.
Around 1835, Lincoln admitted to his close friend and biographer William Herndon that he'd caught the disease.
Later, Herndon speculated that syphilis may have caused the Lincoln children to die prematurely.

Lincoln often took "little blue pills" (mercury pills), which were a common treatment for the disease at the time.
Possibly the greatest evidence that Lincoln had syphilis was his wife's manifestation of the symptoms.
Syphilis produces a variety of psychological symptoms that cause insanity: Mary Todd Lincoln most certainly had those.
She was known for her erratic behavior in later life, and she complained of hallucinations and delusions.
Mary Todd also developed blindness and had extreme weight loss, other possible symptoms of syphilis. She had insomnia, impaired coordination, migraines, and chronic pain.
When an autopsy was performed, her brain showed signs of nerve deterioration, which may have been related to syphilis.
6.John Wilkes Booth May Have Been Suffering From Syphilis During The Assassination
It's undeniable that John Wilkes Booth was mentally unstable. However, it isn't known what caused his insanity.
Theories range from alcoholism to mental disorders, but one theory has enough evidence to possibly be accepted as fact: John Wilkes Booth had late-stage syphilis.
The world in which Booth was born and raised was a fertile one for syphilis.
Booth was a handsome man and a popular actor from a famous family. It would have been easy for him to find sexual partners.
He was a frequent womanizer, so catching syphilis was probably only a matter of time.
Although young when he killed Lincoln, Booth's career was almost over.

He suffered from hoarseness, a common symptom of syphilis, which made him unable to project his voice on stage.
Other possible symptoms include the tumors which he had removed from his back and neck, frequent rashes all over his body, and pain in his chest.
He also showed the psychological signs—mental instability, delusions, mood fluctuations, and depression. He was known to fly into angry rages at the slightest provocations.
Booth also became impulsive, a symptom indicative of the deterioration of the frontal lobe, which is common with syphilis.
If Booth did indeed kill Lincoln because of mental illness caused by syphilis, imagine how different history would have been if he had never caught the disease.
5.Charles VIII Caught Syphilis And Started An Epidemic
King Charles VIII of France had an obsessive desire to reclaim the Kingdom of Naples. In 1491, he married Anne of Brittany, ceding the rights to several territories to her family.
In 1493, he signed the Treaty of Barcelona, which gave even more French territories away.
Only Charles knew why he had made such strange decisions: He wanted to get rid of all concerns so that he could conquer Naples.
Finally, in 1495, he marched into Naples without opposition and received the crown.

Unfortunately for Charles, almost every other kingdom in Italy opposed his leadership.
They banded together to form the League of Venice and defeated Charles at the Battle of Fornovo. Charles and the remainder of his army fled back to France.
Apparently, sailors from Christopher Columbus's crew had gone to Naples, where they spread syphilis.
When Charles and his army occupied the kingdom, they had sexual relations with people in Naples and subsequently contracted the disease.
During their retreat, Charles and his army caused an epidemic of syphilis throughout Europe. As a result, syphilis became known as the "French disease."
4.Ivan The Terrible's Infamous Reign May Have Been Caused By Syphilis
While Ivan the Terrible was a relatively sane and just ruler at the beginning of his reign in Russia, he became increasingly insane and cruel in his later years.
In one fit of rage, he even killed his son. While insanity is quite common in royalty, there seemed to be no reason for Ivan the Terrible's sudden change in personality.
However, recent medical evidence shows what the cause may have been.
As mentioned earlier, mercury was a common treatment for syphilis before there was an effective cure.
So when Ivan the Terrible's body was tested by forensic scientists centuries after his death, they put two and two together when they found high levels of mercury in Ivan's corpse.
Of course, mercury poisoning could have also actually caused many of Ivan the Terrible's psychological symptoms, rather than the other way around.
But why would Ivan's physicians have given him mercury in the first place?

From Kazimierz Waliszewski's 1904 book, Ivan the Terrible, a description of Ivan's behavior in later life matches symptoms of the later stages of syphilis:
从Kazimierz Waliszewski所著的《伊凡大帝》(1904年)一书的描述中,伊凡晚年的行为同晚期梅毒症状很匹配,他写道:
During the second half of the Sovereign's life, as to which we possess most information, his habitual expression struck the majority of witnesses as being threatening and gloomy, though he often burst into roars of laughter.
Ivan was energetic to the point of violence, and yet timid down to outright cowardice; his pride amounted to positive madness, and his humility occasionally descended to baseness.
He was intelligent, and yet capable of saying and doing the most foolish things.
His paranoia, mood swings, and poor health could all have been caused by tertiary syphilis.