As a company Uber is an acquired taste — people love it or hate it, or sometimes both. But it has certainly proved to be an effective disruptor of the business of urban transportation in cities across the world, damaging or destroying old business models and reducing consumer costs by forcing down wages. That’s why their latest initiative, however whacky it sounds, has to be taken seriously.
Uber Elevate takes the concept of personal mobility to a new level, to be precise several hundred feet above the earth. The aim is to develop vehicles (perhaps best described as very small aircraft) that marry the established technology of vertical take-off and landing with the rapidly advancing technology of a new generation of batteries. The vehicles would be designed to transport individuals over the distance, say, from an out-of-town airport into the city centre. Imagine that in London or New York. The limit to the distance is set by the capacity of the aircraft’s battery, so could in theory be expanded. A journey from JFK to New Haven or from Heathrow to Cambridge would not be impossible.
Uber Elevate将个人移动性的概念提升到一个新的水平,确切地说是地球表面以上几百英尺的地方。目的是开发将现有的垂直起降技术与快速发展的新一代电池技术结合在一起的汽车(或许把它描述为非常小型的飞行器最合适)。这些飞行车将把人类从郊外的机场送到市中心。想象以下在伦敦或纽约有这样的服务吧。距离的限度由飞行车的电池容量决定,因此从理论上来说是可以延长的。从肯尼迪机场(JFK)飞到康涅狄格州的纽黑文(New Haven),或者从希斯罗机场(Heathrow)飞到剑桥,将不是不可能的。
As Uber make clear in its published material, there are challenges to this concept. Safety and certification are crucial but would be helped by the fact that the “planes” would not have rotor blades — a source of problems for many helicopters.
Urban noise controls would have to be met but fully electric propulsion should help there. The planes should also be small enough to take off and land from dedicated buildings — the Uber brochure shows them on the top of a car park. Battery capacity requires a breakthrough. As things stand, the amount of energy per unit of weight is insufficient to sustain the power necessary for long-distance commuting and recharging times are too long. But on both counts research is well advanced with a partnership between Uber and Aurora Flight Services announced at the Elevate summit in Dallas at the end of April.
必须遵守城市噪音控制的要求,但完全电动的推进器应有所帮助。这些飞行车还应足够小,以便从指定的大楼上起落,优步的宣传资料显示这些飞行车在一栋车库楼顶。电池容量需要突破。目前来看,单位重量的能量不足以支撑远距离通勤所需要的电量,而且充电时间太长。但在这两方面,优步和Aurora Flight Services的合作让相关研究非常深入,双方的合作是4月底在达拉斯的Elevate峰会上公布的。
Of course, this is not a cheap means of travel. Uber Elevate would be an elite product, at least to begin with, even with ride sharing as part of the model. The company accepts that but hopes volumes would rise over time with mass manufacturing for a global market reducing unit costs to the point where they would be competitive with ordinary cars.
当然,这并非一种廉价的出行方式。Uber Elevate将是一种精英产品,至少最初如此,尽管“拼车”是该模式的一部分。优步承认这点,但希望规模逐渐扩大,全球大规模生产把单位成本降低到可以与普通汽车竞争的水平。
The issue not addressed in the Uber document is security. In the current climate it seems unlikely that any urban transport authority would allow aircraft access to low-level airspace.
The value of such a form of transportation could be immense. Urban congestion is one of the world’s unresolved problems, as is air quality. More and more people are working in cities — the global figure from the UN is that about 54 per cent of the world’s population is now urbanised against around a third 40 years ago. In another two decades that figure is set to rise towards 60 per cent. Public transport is gradually improving but it is also getting busier. As urban housing costs rise more workers are forced to live further from their jobs and to commute longer distances — at enormous cost in terms of wasted time and stress. According to Uber, commuters in San Francisco typically spend 230 hours in traffic each year. In Mumbai the typical commute is 90 minutes each way.
I don’t know if Uber’s plans can succeed. The mental picture of individuals flying brings to my mind the science fiction of HG Wells — readers will do doubt tell me the idea is older. But many of the things Wells and others wrote about have been translated from pure fiction into reality. So, suspending disbelief, consider for a moment the potential impact of Uber Elevate or any of the comparable ideas being developed by a dozen other companies.
我不知道优步的计划能否成功。个人飞行让我想起HG?威尔斯(HG Wells)的科幻作品中的画面,读者们肯定会告诉我,这个构想的历史更久远。但威尔斯和其他人当年描写的其他很多东西,已经从纯科幻变为了现实。因此,暂时抛弃不信任吧,考虑一下Uber Elevate或另外10多家公司正在开发的类似构想的潜在影响吧。
First, the need for additional conventional infrastructure — such as hugely expensive high speed rail links —would be diminished. Airports could be located further away from cities, reducing noise pollution and opening different patterns of regional development. And both business and housing markets would shift if new transport options changed the economics of locations.
It is easy to laugh at Uber Elevate but it is a reminder of how unsatisfactory the current urban transport situation has become. Great cities are being destroyed by congestion. Even with the gradual move to cleaner fuels air quality in many cities is awful and in some, especially in the developing world, a major health risk and a very live political issue. Last year’s powerful report from the International Energy Agency quoted an estimate of 6m premature deaths each year as a result of air pollution.
我们很容易去嘲笑Uber Elevate,但它提醒我们当前的城市交通状况是多么的令人不满。大城市正因为拥堵而遭到破坏。尽管我们正逐渐采用更清洁的燃料,但很多城市的空气质量很糟糕,在一些城市,特别是在发展中国家,它成了一大健康风险和受到关注的政治议题。去年,国际能源署(IEA)的一份强有力的报告援引数据称,据估计,空气污染每年造成600万人过早死亡。

In cities like London cycle routes are fine, although the combination of cycles, cars and lorries on the same roads creates risks of its own. Congestion charges and road pricing are good ideas in theory but are often regressive and penalise those with no alternative means of travel. Without major change these problems will become more serious as urban populations grow.
The energy business is not just about the supply side. How energy is used also matters. Any company that can solve or mitigate the challenges of urban transportation will do very well. Uber may or not have the right answer — but at least it is trying.
Nick Butler is Visiting Professor and Chair of the Kings Policy Institute at Kings College London.
本文作者是伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London)国王政策研究所(Kings Policy Institute)访问教授和主席