Richmond News, a newspaper in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, recently reported that residents were offended to discover a brand of dog food with the label "no ingredients from China".
The brand in question, The Honest Kitchen, a producer and supplier of pet food based in San Diego, California, has been promoting its "China-free" slogan since at least 2012.
涉事品牌Honest Kitchen是一家宠物食品生产商兼供应商,总部位于美国加利福利亚州圣地亚哥市。该品牌至少自2012年起便开始宣传其“无中国成分”的标语。
"I felt offended when I saw the package and I don't feel very comfortable that a product like this exists in the market," a Richmond resident said.
Another resident said "I strongly felt this is discrimination against the Chinese nation and the slogan has crossed the line".
A spokesperson for the company reportedly said the "no ingredients from China" label reflects the brand's food safety control and is not against any country.
The paper also interviewed some ethnically Chinese pet owners in metro Vancouver and most of them said they would not consider buying anything from this brand.