Despite so much time being taken up by these events, he did not stop work.
He would have been ashamed to have let them stop him, just as he had insisted on keeping up some work on logic throughout the war.
The very day after the arrest, he was in London for a meeting of the Ratio Club, talking about his theory of morphogenesis.
John Pringle took up the idea as a basis for his discussion of the origin of life in the primordial chemical soup, in a lecture later in 1952.
Then again, on 29 February, the day that the local newspaper was reporting the first hearing,
he was defending his work against the criticisms of the Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine, then on a visit7 to the Manchester chemistry department.
On the same day Alan also completed his revisions to the morphogenesis paper,
and on 15 March he submitted for publication his work on the calculation of the zeta function,
even though the practical attempt at doing it on the prototype Manchester computer had been so unsatisfactory.
It might be that he wished to get it out of the way in case he was going to prison.