[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 14
Lin Ju-hai dies in the City of Yang Chou. Chia Pao-yue meets the Prince of Pei Ching on the way. When Lai Sheng, be it noticed in continuing our story, the major-domo in the Ning Kuo mansion, came -
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 13
Ch'in K'o-ch'ing dies, and Chia Jung is invested with the rank of military officer to the Imperial Body-guard. Wang Hsi-feng lends her help in the management of the Jung Kuo Mansion.... -
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 12
Wang Hsi-feng maliciously lays a trap for Chia Jui, under pretence that his affection is reciprocated. Chia T'ien-hsiang gazes at the face of the mirror of Voluptuousness. Lady Feng, it must b... -
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 11
In honour of Chia Ching's birthday, a family banquet is spread in the Ning Mansion. At the sight of Hsi-feng, Chia Jui entertains feelings of licentious love. We will now explain, in continuation -
[圣经故事] 圣经故事:希伯伦 Hebron
阿拉伯语作Al-Khalil 耶路撒冷西南部城市,因为是亚伯拉罕的故乡和埋葬地(麦比拉洞)而被尊为犹太教和伊斯兰教的圣城。约西元前10世纪,大卫王曾短暂定都于希伯伦。从西元 635年到第一次世界大战后(除1100~12008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
[圣经故事] 圣经故事:圣母经 Hail Mary
拉丁语作Ave Maria 天主教向童贞玛利亚说的主要祈祷文。第一段是天使长加百列问候圣母和伊莉莎白的话(出自〈路加福音〉)∶“万福玛利亚,满被圣宠者,主与尔偕焉。女中尔为赞美,尔胎子耶稣并为赞美。”最后一 -
[圣经故事] 圣经故事:圣经 Bible
犹太教和基督教的圣书,包括“托拉”(即“律法书”)、“先知书”和“圣录”三部分,共同组成基督教所称的《旧约》。“律法书”和约书亚是叙述有关以色列如何形成民族而占有“上帝应许之地”。“先知书”描述王国的 -
[圣经故事] 圣经故事:亚当和夏娃 Adam and&nb
犹太教-基督教和伊斯兰教传统中最早的人类夫妇。关于创造亚当和夏娃的经过,〈创世记〉上有两种叙述。第一种说法是上帝在创世的第六天“照着自己的形象造男造女”。第二种说法是上帝把伊甸园(Garden of Eden)交给2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签:
[圣经故事] 圣经故事:耶稣升天 Ascension
根据基督教教义名词,耶稣复活四十天后升上天堂。〈使徒行传〉第一章载,耶稣在四十天之内多次向使徒显现,此后,使徒见祂上升进入云端。基督教徒认为,耶稣升天有重大意义,这是因为他们相信,耶稣死而复活之后,要2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签: 商务
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 10
Widow Chin, prompted by a desire to reap advantage, puts up temporarily with an insult. Dr. Chang in discussing Mrs. Chin's illness minutely exhausts its origin. We will now resume our story. ... -
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 9
Chia Cheng gives good advice to his wayward son. Li Kuei receives a reprimand. Chia Jui and Li Kuei rebuke the obstinate youths! Ming Yen causes trouble in the school-room. But to return to our stor2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签: 商务
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 8
By a strange coincidence, Chia Pao-yue becomes acquainted with the golden clasp. In an unexpected meeting, Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai sees the jade of spiritual perception. Pao-yue and lady Feng, we will n2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签: 时尚
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 7
Presentation of artificial flowers made in the Palace. Chia Lien disports himself with Hsi-feng. Pao-yue meets Ch'in Chung at a family party. To resume our narrative. Chou Jui's wife havi...2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签:
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 6
Chia Pao-yue reaps his first experience in licentious love. Old Goody Liu pays a visit to the Jung Kuo Mansion. Mrs. Ch'in, to resume our narrative, upon hearing Pao-yue call her in his dream ...2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签:
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:青蛙和牛
An ox, grazing in a swampy meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death .One that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news....
全英最孤独小学生 整所学校只有他1个人
他永远是早上第一个到的学校,晚上最晚走的一个。老师一直都点名叫他回答问题 -
真实的玛丽莲梦露 永远的性感icon
20世纪50年代早期,诺尔玛·简·贝克来到好莱坞,此后她一生都以玛丽莲自 - 3
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