Yahoo's former CEO Scott Thompson caused a stir in the headlines when it was revealed that he lied on his resume, but he isn't the only one fibbing to get a job.雅虎前CEO斯科特·汤普森 -
While many managers think of August as the month for lying on a beach and soaking up the sun, for those considering an MBA, it is the month to dust down the CV, write application essays and sit the G -
为什么你总在忙? 能让你提高工作效率的4件事
No matter what you do, doesn't it seem like there are not enough hours in the day? That's where I was a couple years ago. I used to pull all-nighters, and was working 7 days a week to -
If some job satisfaction surveys are to be believed then as many as a third of us are considering a change of job. Clearly many are finding it hard to get that feeling of satisfaction from work.如果有 -
Waitresses who wear red get up to 26 per cent extra in tips than they would wearing other colours, researchers claimed.近日有研究人员表示,与穿其它颜色衣服的服务员相比,穿红色衣服的女服务员最多能拿到 -
I know you can think of a time when you were networking and a very smiley, ambitious attendee came up and shook your hand, eagerly offering their business card and a 20 minute spiel of what they do. -
As any scientist can confirm, the fact that two events repeatedly occur at the same time does not mean that one event causes the other. Trying to explain the link is often the challenge. So it is wit -
You might have said some pretty terrible things about particular hiring managers in the past, but in many cases, those in charge of HR duties are frustrated by the annoying antics of applicants in th -
新入职的第一天,你需要问HR什么问题呢,这些问题可是跟我们息息相关哦,大家千万不要粗心大意,赶紧来围观看一下吧。Your first day on the job can be hectic. Learning new names, faces and positions can fill -
The arrival of hundreds of millions of cheap, diligent Chinese workers in the global economy saw America trade blue collar jobs for low cost t-shirts and toasters.曾几何时,全球经济中出现的数亿廉价而 -
Wang Fengfeng was a graphic design major at the Communication University of China, Nanjing. She quit her job at a state-owned company after a two-month internship.王凤凤(音译)是来自中国传媒大学南广 -
研究 简单策略创造真实价值
When James Tobin won the Nobel memorial prize in 1981, a journalist asked him to summarise his research in simple language. The great macroeconomist attempted to respond to this challenge, and one wi -
Among countless job titles posted on recruiting websites, one in particular might catch your attention: management trainee (MT).在招聘网站上数不尽的职位名称中,有一项也许会引起你的注意:管理培训生(简 -
Gan Xiaochen, 22, an international journalism major graduate, got a bit uneasy during job hunting this year.22岁的甘晓晨(音译)毕业于国际新闻专业,她在今年的求职过程中感到些许不轻松。She found herse -
I've just received an email from my manager vaguely reprimanding me about something pretty trivial. The odd thing wasn't the message itself but the way he finished it, signing off wit
2015年6大网络小说改编电视剧 哪一部是你
2015年是网络小说改编电视剧遍地开花的一年。尽管改编原著难度不小,但这 -
雾霾天停课不停学 北京孩子叫苦
北京——15岁的学生吴亦玲(音)喜爱汉堡包和Hello Kitty,当她 - 3
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