[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《玩具总动员》Toy Story
影片的情节摘要写得很好。你并不总是需要想出那些有关影片人物和主题的深刻见解,也不需要显得多么才华横溢。有时候,一个简单的总结就足够了。记住,得高分的一个主要因素在于作文的长度(而并不见得一定要非常有深度),换句话说,你只要不停笔,写下去就好了。2013-07-17 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《彼得·潘》Peter Pan
Jac对彼得·潘内心深处进退两难的矛盾心理描写的十分精彩:是继续待在Never Land不长大呢,还是去承担成年人的责任呢?最后非常好地做了一个权衡和这种,包括最后做的选择。2013-07-16 编辑:Jasmine 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《怪物史莱克》Shrek
Anne H. Another instance where a character transforms due to the effects of social interactions is in the movie Shrek. Shrek is an ogre and nobody will take a chance to get to know him.2013-07-15 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT写作辅导] SAT写作例子整理:Harriet Tubman
下面为大家整理的是关于Harriet Tubman的SAT写作例子,文中介绍的人哈里特•塔布曼不仅解放了自己还在解放剩下的百万奴隶中起到了关键性的作用。 素材适合题目类型:成功类、选择类、了解自身类2013-07-12 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《蜘蛛侠》Spiderman
Chris T. Every film involving a super hero supports the idea heroes are needed in society today. In 2001 the first Spiderman was released to the public. Spiderman, "your regular teenage nerd,"2013-07-12 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《律政俏佳人》Legally Blonde
Megan S. Another woman who fought for a new lifestyle can be found in the movie Legally Blonde. Reese Witherspoon plays a girl initially trying to get her boyfriend back.2013-07-11 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT写作辅导] SAT写作素材名言警句之惜时篇
SAT写作名言警句是写好一篇书面表达的重要手段,它可以增加文章亮点,加深对读者的印象,使读者为之一振。下面就为大家总结了名言警句之惜时篇,希望对同学们备考SAT写作有所帮助。2013-07-10 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT写作范文] SAT写作经典例子:古腾堡
Gutenberg, Johannes (Gensfleisch) 1400 – 1468 (古腾堡,约翰尼斯)Printer; regarded as the inventor of movable-type mechanical printing in Europe. Born Johann Gensfleisch zur Laden2013-07-10 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT写作范文] SAT写作6分范文:success and disastrous
大家在平时训练的过程中,可以参照一些SAT写作范文,结合考官的给分原因来看看范文做的出彩的地方。下面就是为大家准备的一篇SAT写作6分范文: Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below2013-07-10 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《暮光之城》Twilight
Megan T. The sutor of the Twilight series, Stephanie Meyer, changed the world with her vampire-werewolf-books. She was able to expand a short dream she had from a simple scene of man and a woman2013-07-10 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《安德的游戏》Ender's Game
尽管这本书并不是真正意义上的古典文学,但对于十几岁的男孩儿们来说也是很好的小说了。女孩儿们有了Stephanie Meyers(《暮光之城》的作者),所以让男孩子们看一些武打的、2013-07-09 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文6分范文评析:避免观点模糊
SAT作文的满分为12分,考生要在25分钟时间内,依据试题要求,写出一篇完整的议论文。作文的字数没有硬性规定,但作文的篇幅约有一张半A4纸的大小。考生要用铅笔写作,写满作文规定的篇幅,2013-07-08 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《查拉图斯特拉如是说》Thus Spake
Grace M. Moreover, the existential views of Friedrich Nietzche, through radically different from that of Emerson, also stresses the role of individual thinking.2013-07-08 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》Romeo and Jul
Jess C. Another example of imagination being crucial to creating in society can be seen in Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. This heartbreaking tragedy examplifies the passinate dominance that2013-07-05 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT经典范文赏析] SAT经典范文赏析:《美丽新世界》Brave New world
Kendall W. The theme that unexpected events often change even our best plans also sccurs in Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World. The novel explores a utopian sity inhabited by well-trained c...2013-07-04 编辑:melody 标签: