[关注社会] 弃婴安全岛:尊重生命还是纵容遗弃?
A baby hatch, set up by Shijiazhuang Social Welfare Institution in Hebei Province last June, has attracted widespread criticism with many arguing that it could encourage irresponsible parents to aban2012-03-02 编辑:jasmine
[CCTV9] 婴儿岛是在鼓励弃婴吗?
婴儿岛是在鼓励弃婴吗? CCTV-9 视频 婴儿岛 鼓励 弃婴2014-03-20 编辑:mike
[关注社会] 中国父母无钱抚养被迫网上弃婴
陆礼冰(音)知道,面临即将出生的第三个孩子,他只有一种选择。因为付不起中国政府要求的高额罚款,他决定把即将出生的孩子给别人收养。2014-04-10 编辑:shaun
[双语达人] 陌生人纷纷前来参加7个弃婴的葬礼
Strangers stood near seven little, flower-covered graves as they honored the lives of infants whose bodies were never claimed.这天,陌生人纷纷前来,站在7个被花朵环绕的小小墓碑前,缅怀这些到死都没有身份的弃婴。2016-10-21 编辑:Kelly
[英语PK台] 英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第965期:家的爱是融入不是排除《弃婴小小本杰明》
十年前,一个弃婴被放在一户人家门前,十年后,小本杰明时常恶作剧令全家人头疼,招致兄妹们的反感,2019-07-02 编辑:hepburn
[VOA常速英语视频] 巴基斯坦的弃婴
Rehana who lives in Edhi center of Karachi doesn't know her parents. The foundation's records show she was placed in the center's cradle soon after her birth.2019-11-21 编辑:Wendy