[词汇辅导] 新闻热词:“复出”英语怎么说
近几天,很多媒体都报道了被网民戏称为“范跑跑”的原四川都江堰教师范美忠即将到北京任教的消息,这个消息也引发了很多关于其是否还能从事教育工作的争论。近日,北京开华培训学校表示范美忠进京履职将无限期搁浅。2009-01-10 编辑:qihui
[词汇辅导] 新闻热词:“品牌代言人”英语怎么说
泳坛飞鱼菲尔普斯这次又要再做一次“吸金王”了。他将签约成为一汽马自达“睿翼”汽车的品牌代言人。汽车业内人士透露,菲尔普斯是现代运动偶像,最近被美国《体育画报》评选为年度运动家,他作为代言人是马自达的首2009-01-10 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:《非诚勿扰》搞笑征婚启事英语译文
冯小刚执导的这部09贺岁片在淡淡的忧伤情绪中让人笑出了眼泪。葛优在戏里的征婚启事你还还记得么?他的征婚启事是这么写的:Here's his announcement looking for a bride.你要想找一帅哥就别来了,你要想找一钱包就2009-01-08 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:为什么快乐的时间总过得很快
Scientists have come up with a theory for why time flies when you are having fun-- and drags when you are bored.科学家们提出理论依据,解释为什么当你玩得开心的时候,时间总是过得飞快,而当你无聊的时侯,2009-01-08 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:能吃的贺卡你见过吗
An edible Christmas card has been designed by a Devon company to try to be as seasonally "green" as possible.英国德文郡一家公司设计出一款可吃的圣诞贺卡,既适应消费旺季的需求,又尽可能做到了绿色环保2009-01-08 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:奥巴马就职在即 “防撞衫网站”助阵
Website saves fashion faux pas at Obama inauguration A new website hopes to save guests at president-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration balls from the ultimate fashion faux pas -- wearing the sam2009-01-07 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:奥巴马政府商务部长未上任即撤销
Richardson withdraws as Obama’s commerce secretary U.S. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has withdrawn as President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee for commerce secretary, NBC reported on Sunday2009-01-07 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:约证交所举行仪式 庆祝中美建交30周年
NYSE marks 30th anniversary of U.S.-China diplomatic ties The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)on Monday kicked off its trading session with a special ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the es2009-01-07 编辑:qihui
[口译备考资料] 双语:中方向巴勒斯坦提供100万美元援助
China Providing one million dollars in aid to Palestinian 外交部发言人秦刚宣布:中国政府决定向巴勒斯坦民族权力机构提供100万美元紧急人道主义现汇援助,用于巴采购急需物资。 Foreign Ministry spoke2009-01-06 编辑:qihui