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  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 24

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看听力文本■ - Well. I’m now in the airport lounge. And a lady here waiting to fly I presume.- Yes. I’m going to Jersey.- Have you flown before?- Many times.- Do you find d

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 23

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看听力文本■ - Well, I’m here at South Hampton Eaoheigh. airport on the south coast of England. It’s a small airport with destinations for their flights to the Channel Isla

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 22

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看听力文本■ 52. Hello, Clive! John here! Look, I’m sorry about all this. I had got a quarter when I tried to call you first,53. But I got a cross line, you see, so I lost i

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 21

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看听力文本■ 1. where’s the phone booth? It’s just around the corner, I think – ah, here it is!2. Clive, 011 6218056. Let’s hope he’s I in.3. So did you take him home, t

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 20

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 20 Dear Dad,This is just to say that Juanita and I are having a marvelous honeymoon here on Trinidad.There’s a lovely beach right next to the hotel; the food is excellent, and

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 19

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 19 51. That’ll be $63.74, please.52. Here you are. $ 80 – keep the change!53. Excuse me, Miss!54. Yes, sir? Can I help you?55. I want to know if a Mr. Bruce Cobber has checked

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 18

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 18 1. Look, where are we going man? I tell you there’s nothing us this road.2. Take the next left.3. But there’s only a farm up there. Just a few fruit trees, that’s all.4. I

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 17

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 17 My name is Melissa. I’m the assistant manager of the Virgin, megastore in Briton.Let’s talk about the customers and their tastes-the changing face of the customer.Are you s

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 16

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 16 Now it may still be pop music playing, but I’m in fact in a classical section.Excuse me, can I ask your name?Francesca.Is classical music your taste?Uh, yes, exactally.Do yo

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

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