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[创意生活] 创意生活:帮助你的孩子轻松适应新学校
Moving schools is a difficult time for kids. VideoJug gives you expert advice on how to make a school transition as easy and stress-free as possible for children.进入学校对于孩子们来说是一个困难的时期

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:专家教你基本的编织技法
Learn a basic knitting technique from a professional and be well on your way to creating wonderful blankets, clothes and more in no time.专家将会教你基本的编织技法, 在任何时候你都可以用自己的方式编织

时间:2012-05-03 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:教你细心照料小猫
With this great advice from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, VideoJug shows you how best to care for your kitten. They require a lot of time and attention, so be sure you know how to care for kittens pr

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:仅用2秒轻松叠好T恤衫
This short video shows you how to fold a t-shirt in two seconds. Keep your t-shirts crease free with this simple yet amazingly fast technique.这个短片向你展示了如何在两秒钟内快速折叠好T恤衫。而这个简

时间:2012-04-28 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:轻松几步让你的电视机保持一尘不染
Dust Your Television. Make static cling a thing of the past. Yes, we mean for the TV. A clearer and dust free screen will make that football match even more enjoyable!清理你电视的灰尘。让静电附着尘土

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:健身专家教你轻松锻炼腹部肌肉
This is an excellent ab exercise for strengthening your abs and core muscles. You can find a much more thorough and detailed text description of this exercise and how to do it.这是一个非常好的强化你的

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:宠物专家教你在家轻松训练你的猫猫
An animal expert from SafePets UK, instructs you on house training your cat including reasons your cat may be having toilet training issues to how to deal with them effectively. Let Debbie Connolly h

时间:2012-04-24 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:动物专家教你如何去除猫猫身上的跳蚤
Although microscopic in size, fleas can become a HUGE problem for both your cat and your home. In this VideoJug presentation, learn about the life cycles of fleas and how to safely eradicate them.虽然

时间:2012-04-23 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:如何与你的爱猫交流
Communicating with your cats can be a difficult task. Learn to understand your cat's communication skills, how to recognize behaviors, and how to communicate back in this veterinarian instruc

时间:2012-04-20 编辑:mike
