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  • [职场双语] 职场双语:5招让毕业生笑傲职场

    The shift from college to real life can be a tough one, but if you're able to maintain a positive outlook, it can also be a fun, exciting time. Hoping to amp up your optimism and get ahead? Y

    2012-03-31 编辑:jasmine

  • [职场双语] 职场双语:职场的15条守则

    1. Don't talk negatively about people behind their backs. If you gossip, people won't confide in you. Mind your own business.[qh]1. 不要在别人的背后说人坏话。你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就不会相信

    2012-03-30 编辑:jasmine

  • [职场双语] 职场工作技巧:三招帮你找回注意力

    许多人每天工作八小时,有时候会分心或是注意力分散。如果你发现自己因为不能集中注意力而导致失去了黄金的工作时间的话,也许你需要作出一些改变了。这里有一些小秘诀:Drink water.Researchers at the University

    2012-03-29 编辑:jasmine

  • [职场双语] 面试时求职者最适合问的6种问题

    1. Why? Questions like "Why did you close down your parts business rather than try to find a buyer for it?" or "Why did you decide to move to a product-based organization structure?" — which it soun

    2012-03-28 编辑:jasmine

  • [职场双语] 职场双语:美国年轻人最佳15项工作出炉

    在美国最新出炉的年轻人最佳工作前15名的名单中,医疗行业的职位占据近一半。Young people looking for a job with good pay, flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care, according

    2012-03-26 编辑:jasmine

  • [职场双语] 员工最想逃离的10大华尔街投行


    2012-03-23 编辑:jasmine

  • [关注社会] 求职面试?交出Facebook密码!

    When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook userna

    2012-03-23 编辑:jasmine

  • [职场双语] 职场双语:HR就看这样的简历!

    1. Organise your life[qh]第一步:组织好你的经历[qh]In functional CVs, you put your skills into categories then briefly list past job titles at the bottom. These are suitable for those who have been

    2012-03-22 编辑:jasmine

  • [他她话题] 他她话题:是什么让职场丽人如此难嫁?

    1.Having A Job Where You Sit All DayA study last month found that sitting for long periods of time can actually expand your ass. "Fat cells seemed to thrive on the inactivity, infiltrating the muscle

    2012-03-22 编辑:jasmine

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