[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:美国9·11清理废墟工作人员获赔6亿(2010-03-26)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛Well that's a pressure cooker of a day on Capitol Hill as we wait and wonder how this vote for healthcare plays out, the final vote is2010-03-26 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:医疗改革法案能否立即生效?(2010-03-25)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛So let's say health care reform passes. And you're one of the millions of Americans needing insurance. Think you'll be covered immedi2010-03-25 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:底特律计划提升高中毕业率(2010-03-24)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛ALLAN CHERNOFF, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Fredricka, I'm at the Cornerstone Schools here in Detroit. There are actually three of these2010-03-24 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:股市下跌易对健康造成损害(2010-03-23)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛WHITFIELD: So if you've watched your fortunes rise and fall on Wall Street, this may be only mildly shocking to you. Those big plunges2010-03-23 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:学校是否应该贴出不及格名单(2010-03-22)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛PHILLIPS: Jason Carroll now joining us live from New York. Jason, what criteria is the court likely to look at when trying to reach a de2010-03-22 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻在线听附文本(2010-03-21)
PHILLIPS: Growing up behind bars. They are considered too young to make their own legal decisions, yet they can face life in prison for crimes that do not involve murder. Now, one man is sharing his2010-03-21 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解附字幕:海地地震被困小提琴手出院(2010-03-20)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛PHILLIPS: I think Stevie's keyboard helped out a lot. John Zarrella has been covering Romel's story for us. He has got a heartwarming2010-03-20 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:香烟广告对未成年人造成影响(2010-03-19)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛So did a cigarette ad target young girls? The tobacco company says no, but pediatricians say, hold on, not so fast. The numbers show a l2010-03-19 编辑:qihui
[2010年3月CNN news] CNN新闻讲解:基辛格访韩期间胃病发作(2010-03-18)
听力文本下载本期CNN讲解PDF文本 MP3提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛Good morning. I'm Brooke Baldwin. Thanks for starting your day with us. It is March 13th. Got a lot going on, but first want to get you2010-03-18 编辑:qihui