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  • [关注社会] 广州拟禁止为未成年人整容和纹身

    According to a new proposal, Guangzhou minors will no longer be able to get either plastic surgery or tattoos.广州拟出台规定:禁止给未成年人做整容和纹身。The proposed law is currently under formulati

    2012-06-09 编辑:justxrh

  • [健康生活] 1/5韩国女性曾整容 专家揭整容根源

    Plastic surgery has long been big business in the US, but now the trend is sweeping across Asia.整形美容长期以来一直在美国盛行,而如今这个潮流正席卷亚洲。Figures released by the International Society

    2012-06-05 编辑:Sara

  • [关注社会] 1/5韩国女性曾整容 专家揭整容根源

    Plastic surgery has long been big business in the US, but now the trend is sweeping across Asia.整形美容长期以来一直在美国盛行,而如今这个潮流正席卷亚洲。Figures released by the International Society

    2012-04-27 编辑:Jasmine

  • [美容化妆] 时尚杂志评选"最理想整容脸"

    Australia's Marie Claire magazine has come up with their image of the ideal woman, plucking the best features of some of the world's most famous celebrities and composing them into one, stran

    2012-03-12 编辑:jasmine

  • [可可词汇课堂] 可可词汇课堂第287期:整容手术

    facialOf or concerning the face: facial cosmetics; facial hair.A treatment for the face, usually consisting of a massage and the application of cosmetic creams.adj. 面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的n.

    2011-11-21 编辑:mjusa

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