

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 食谱 的文章共有:14
  • [健康生活] 西葫芦南瓜浓汤 秋日开胃菜中英文食谱

    秋风起、菊花黄。天气渐渐转凉的时候来上一碗热腾腾的浓汤是最惬意不过了。今天就为大家推荐的一道西式蔬菜浓汤,做法简单,香料也很容易买到。只有搅拌机这种东西估计不是每家都有,但问题不大,大不了用勺子捣碎嘛……Squash and tomato soup recipe by Stevie Parle西葫芦南瓜浓汤(斯蒂夫派乐的食谱,6

    2012-10-15 编辑:ivy

  • [体育资讯] 体育明星:揭秘刘翔食谱,特灶中的特灶

    With 2012 London Olympics approaching, the 396 athletes of the Chinese Olympic team are in the spotlight. Many people have paid particular attention to the menu of the athletes, especially Chinese st

    2012-09-13 编辑:Jasmine

  • [食尚男女] 自制苹果酥 糕点里有营养也有学问

    At a glance概览Serves: 4份数:4Preparation Time: 15 minutes; Cooking Time: 30 minutes; Total Time: 45 minutes准备时间:15分钟,烹饪时间:30分钟,总计:45分钟。Oven Temperature: 150° c - 300° f烤箱

    2012-08-27 编辑:Amosway

  • [食尚男女] 食尚生活 美味羊肉丸 给生活加点料

    This VideoJug film is designed to show you how to make a lamb kofta. Lamb Kofta recipe is a popular dish and is very expensive to make.本期视频将着重介绍如何做羊肉丸—这一很受欢迎而又成本昂贵的菜肴。

    2012-08-15 编辑:Amosway

  • [健康生活] 揭秘刘翔食谱:特灶中的特灶

    With 2012 London Olympics approaching, the 396 athletes of the Chinese Olympic team are in the spotlight. Many people have paid particular attention to the menu of the athletes, especially Chinese st

    2012-07-23 编辑:justxrh

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