[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景43:八卦新闻
43.八卦新闻常用应急场景范例一:RumorI heard through the grapevine that Michael probably become the new sales manager.How did you get wind of the rumor?I am not a rumor monger.Let’s stop gossiping an2010-01-13 编辑:echo
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第89期:什么是"谷歌依赖症"
2010-01-12 编辑:jessica
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景42:办公室恋情
Part 5. Work relation with colleagues42.办公室恋情常用应急场景范例一:Handle emotional stressDo you remember Tina, my good friend?Yes.She just broke up with her boyfriend.Well, that happens. I hope2010-01-12 编辑:echo
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景41:被解雇了
41.被解雇了常用应急场景范例一:Got the sackAny idea about James? He’s a pain in the neck.Guess what?He has just got the sack.Oh, is that so?Exactly.2010-01-11 编辑:echo
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第88期:电脑罢工之后
2010-01-11 编辑:jessica
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景40:辞职
40.辞职常用应急场景范例一:Plan to leaveI am thinking about resigning from my current job.Have you thought about it seriously?Yes, I have been thinking about it for quite a while. Now I finally make2010-01-08 编辑:echo
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第87期:我想买个Mp4
2010-01-08 编辑:jessica
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第86期:在中国一定要学会讨价还价
2010-01-07 编辑:jessica
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第85期:入乡随俗
2010-01-06 编辑:jessica