10. Gabrielle: No, 'cos if I leave then I'll be broke, and that would be awful. And if I stay he'll be in control and that's horrifying. And he cut up all my credit cards, which means I'm married to him and unable to shop, which is probably the worst of all possible worlds.
I'll be broke:破产的意思。cut up:这里可以理解为停止 BGAY对婚姻的定义相当有趣,嫁给某人就是因为可以SHOPPING
11. Mrs McClusky: Hi there. I brought you some avocados. I have a tree out back but I don't like them and your family seems like the kind that would eat guacamole.
Avocado:鳄梨 guacamole:pureed or mashed avocado seasoned with condiments
12. Mrs McClusky: Oh, that's great, 'cos my cars on the fritz and I could hitch a ride. I need to drop by the pharmacy anyway.
Fritz:第一个字母大写的时候是解释为德国人,但有贬抑的意思。小写在美国俚语中是失常, 发生故障的意思 drop by:随便访问
13. Mrs McClusky: Save it, Lynette. I get the picture.
Save it:得了吧,省省力气 I get the picture:我明白你什么意思了
14. Bree: About four weeks old. I never told you this, but when I gave birth to you, there were complications. The umbilical chord wrapped around your neck and you stopped breathing. The room got very quiet, and I knew you were in trouble. So I turned to the doctor and I very calmly said that he was not to worry about me, that his job was to save your life. When I say I would die for you, that's not just an expression. I mean it.
Umbilical:脐带的 BREE和Andrew聊到,在Andrew快出生的时候,脐带缠住了他的脖子,他快不能呼吸了,但BREE告诉医生叫她们不用关她,只要保住孩子的性命就可以了,母亲永远是伟大的,孩子的生命比任何东西都来的可贵。
15. Andrew: Look, I love vanilla ice-cream, but every now and then I'm probably gonna be in the mood for chocolate. You know what I mean?
Andrew很聪明,做了个很恰当的比喻,类似的比喻在FRIENDS中第一季也出现过,ROSS得知自己的妻子是同性恋后很苦恼,说自己再也不可能找到自己爱的女人了,但JOEY说,她应该去尝试些不同类型的女孩,于是她把不同性格的女孩也用ICE CREAM来比喻,居然和这里一样,难道外国人就没什么其他东西可以做比喻的吗?
16. Reverend: I'm afraid I don't follow.
17. 结束语:Mary Alice Voiceover:You see, human beings are designed for many things. But loneliness is not one of them.