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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

5. -The federal prosecutor(起诉人,控方) has taken your father’s leaving town as an admission of guilt(认罪). They want to forfeit(没收) our assets for restitution(归还,赔偿).
-What, they wanna take our money?
-Well, not yet, but they have frozen(冻结) our accounts.
-And now they are making an inventory(盘点) of everything that we own.

主要是一些法律词汇,“认罪”除了admission of guilt(这里指默认自己有罪), 还有一种叫做plead guilty, 后者多用于法庭,法官问,被告是否认罪,回答就是plead guilty(PG), 或者plead not guilty(PNG).
inventory: 存货,make an inventory of就是盘点存货的意思。后文Chuck还提到自己在liquidate my shares in Victorla, 这里的liquidate是清算财产的意思, share就是股份。

6. Something tells me you’re off your game. Anything I can help with?

off: to be weird, off center, not normal. 在这里指“心不在焉。”

7. -I’ve dated a lot of top flight girls, and she always sends them running. It’s like…and she gets inside their head, figures out their worst fears and just ruthlessly exploits that fear.
-That’s rough.
-Not to mention, she’s completely got my father’s ear. Of course, Blair is desperate to meet her. And when Blair sets her mind on something

top flight: top notch, very good. Moslty used to describe ones wife.
send them running: 使她们落荒而逃
get my father’s ear: 我父亲对她言听计从
sets her mind on something: 下定决心做某事

8. -Marcus dated the descendant of Princess Grace. His consort needs to be able to host royal dinners and hobnob with oligarchs and dictators.
- Well, if you can’t find common ground with a dictator, I don’t know who can.

hobnob with: 亲切交谈
oligarchs: 寡头政治执政者
find common ground with: 找到共通点。这里S在嘲讽B,暗指B也是一个独裁者。

9. You know, they’re obviously just trying to scare us to get us to rat out my dad.

scare: 吓到某人。最常用的短语就是You scare me! 你吓倒我了。形容词是scary, 比如scary movie(恐怖电影)。
rat out: 告密。A rat is a tattletale or a snitch. To rat out someone is to snitch on others or tell on others.



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