7.Its only one night. A boy may die.
8.He doesnt say the boy is not guilty.He just isnt sure. Its not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others.So he gambled for support and I gave it to him. I respect his motives.这位先生不断同仇敌忾 跟我们对立,他并没有说这孩子“无罪”,他只是说他无法确定“有罪”,要单独对立别人的荒唐言论,并不容易,所以他孤注一掷争取支持,于是我就支持他了。由于我赞同他的动机。
9.Now, where did this panic start and where did it end?那么,他是什么时分镇静,又是什么时分冷静呢?