1.However, the study alsoconcludedthat the information technologyindustry itself a big source of new jobs.
A. was unlikely to is B.is unlikely to be
C. was unlikely to be D.are unlikely to be
2. It will atwww.itif. org.
A.isavailable B.be vailably C. be availability D.be available
3. Tomeet those standards, health care providers mustincreasingly
modemcomputing tools.
A.adopt B. adapt C. adopted D. adapted
4. Mr.Atkinson was a projectdirectorat theCongressionalOfficeof Technology Assessment.
A.later B. former C. the former D. form
5.Employment in computing somewhat,after fallingsharplyafter thedot-com bubble in 2000,
A. hasrecovered; burst B. recovered;burst
C. hasrecovered; bursted
6. , it says, the growth potential is limited.
A.Till B. Still C. Until D. So
7.Just as employment in the railroad industry leveled
but development of a transportation networkled to the rise of national retailers and other new industries.
A. inthe 19th century; off B. in the19th century; of
C. atthe 19th century; off D. in the19th centuries; off
8. Theservices sector, employs 80 percent of the American work force,is expected togenerate most of the newjobs in the future.
A.that B. whose C. who D.which
第3小段: The study concludesthat the economic significance of information technology islessin the technology itselfthanin the capacity of computer hardware, software and services totransform other sectors of the economy. 这项研究表明,信息技术在计算机硬件、软件和服务向其他经济领域转化所创造的经济效益上要大于技术本身。
第4小段:Policy,according to the study, should focus lesson incentives to use certain technology products or help particularcompanies thanon encouraging market forces to hasten the pace of technology-aided changein industries. 研究还表明,政府不应该鼓励使用某些技术产品,也不应该特别扶持某些公司,而应该鼓励通过市场力量,加快技术辅助在工业上转化的脚步。