[汉英口译实践] 中国古代部分书籍名著的英文译名
《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica 《红楼梦》 A Deam in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 《论语》 Analects of Confucius 《三国演义》 The Roma2008-12-31 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:英国扒窃案高发 称欧洲之最
合众社》伦敦十一月十一日电——一家咨询机构称英国扒窃案件称欧洲之最。 LONDON, Nov. 11 (UPI) -- A consulting group concludes Britain has the worst shoplifting problem of any European nation. Ch2008-12-28 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:美公布官员收礼清单 赖斯礼品最贵重
Rice is richest when it comes to official gifts Condoleezza Rice (L) speaks wtih Saudi King Abudllah in 2007. Rice received a set of diamond and ruby jewelry from the Saudi King valued at 165,0002008-12-28 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 鲁迅《一件小事》中英文全文
我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起来也很不少;但在我心里,都不留什么痕迹,倘要我寻出这些事的影响来说,便只是增长了我的坏脾气,——老实说,便是教我一天比一天的看不2008-12-26 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:应届毕业生找工作难
翻译内容: Fresh graduates face gloomy job market SHANGHAI: With a looming global financial crisis aggravating the difficulties posed by a fierce job market, many consider the future for2008-12-26 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新员工签订劳动合同对话中英文互译
在这组对话中,Derrick Stone 是一个很快就要开始工作的新员工。他来和员工关系主管Joe Farley签订劳动合同。 Joe: How are you, Mr. Stone? I'm Joe Farley. 你好,Stone先生。我叫Joe Farley。 Derrick2008-12-25 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:奥巴马获选《时代》年度人物 张艺谋入围
Time picks Obama as 'Person of the Year' Time magazine Wednesday named US President-elect Barack Obama its 2008 "Person of the Year." "For having the confidence to sket...2008-12-20 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:美三架航天飞机“退役”后将展览
Want a retired space shuttle? They're up for grabs NASA's soon-to-be-retired space shuttles are up for grabs. The space agency said Wednesday it's looking for ideas on where and h...2008-12-20 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:工作,收入差距让公众担忧
翻译内容: Public concern over jobs, pay gap Rising unemployment and a widening income gap are the two issues of most concern to Chinese people, an annual report released yesterday by the Ch2008-12-18 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:鼠标时代或将结束,双手取而代之
据报道称,用户以后不必在鼠标垫上通过滑动鼠标,来使光标在屏幕上移动了。戴上一双特制手套,来操作一个名为G-Speak的系统就可以了。 Rather than navigate a cursor across the screen by sliding a mouse acr2008-12-16 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:610万毕业生就业遭遇寒冬
据报道,本周,成千上万已放低了期望值的中国学生手持崭新的简历,涌入了各地的招聘会。同时,政府告诫学生,在全球金融危机的背景下,不要对工作太挑剔。 Holding fresh CVs but lowered hopes, hundreds of th2008-12-16 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:中国很伟大,法国无意冒犯中国
据报道,尼古拉斯-萨科齐总统周末会见了达赖喇嘛,招致了北京的强烈抗议。周二,法国外交部长坚称,总统无意冒犯中国。 France's foreign minister insisted Tuesday that President Nicolas Sarkozy did not2008-12-16 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:索马里海盗猖獗,印度对其宣战
据《基督教科学箴言报》报道,周二,索马里海盗劫持了一艘货物价值超过1亿美金的沙特超级油轮,国际社会大为震惊。印度海军已经对索马里海盗宣战。 After Somali pirates shook the international maritime comm2008-12-16 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:华裔成为美国能源部长
翻译内容: Ethnic Chinese tipped as US energy chief Secretary of Labor Elaine Lan Chao will go out with the Bush administration next month - but there is likely to be another ethnic Chine2008-12-13 编辑:qihui 标签:
[汉英口译实践] 新闻翻译:同性恋婚礼频频举行,美两州大受吹捧
翻译内容: Two U.S. states see boost from gay weddings BOSTON (Reuters) - As same-sex marriage stalls in California and a U.S. recession looms, Massachusetts and Connecticut are carving ou2008-12-11 编辑:qihui 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 价格 | 试听 |
【协议】上海口译2014秋季考协议班(中级口译) | 66 | 880 | |
【协议】上海口译2015春季考低起点协议班(中级口译) | 104 | 1080 | |
上海中级口译全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 109 | 400 | |
上海中级口译低起点全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 104 | 980 | |
【协议】上海口译2014秋季考协议班(高级口译) | 72 | 880 | |
【协议】上海口译2015春季考低起点协议班(高级口译) | 134 | 1280 | |
上海高级口译全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 72 | 680 | |
上海高级口译低起点全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 134 | 1080 |
王毅在二十国集团外长会第一阶段会议关于“加强多边主义”议题的发言 -
古特雷斯秘书长2022年世界人口日致辞 - 3
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