[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第19期:东周(经济)
During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Zhou rulers almost lost their control over lands.春秋时期,周天子对土地的控制力已几乎完全丧失。2015-11-12 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第20期:东周(改革)
Marquis Wen of Wei, a famous statesman, appointed Li Kui to carry out reforms.魏国的建立者魏文侯是著名的政治家,任用李悝进行改革。2015-11-13 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第20期:东周(从诸侯称霸到秦朝统一中国)
Wei held a dominant position during the early stage of the Warring States Period.战国初期,魏国势力最强。2015-11-16 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第22期:东周(经济发展)
Warring States period thinkers created four social classes战国时期的思想家提出了士、农、工、商(四民)的划分理论2015-11-17 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第23期:东周(周朝的文化思想与哲学)
The Zhou culture is apparently a mixture of different cultures of peoples that lived in the Wei River valley.周文化融合了居住在渭水流域的各个民族的文化。2015-11-18 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第24期:秦朝(中央集权制国家)
King Ying Zheng considered his achievement surpassing all the ancient rulers, therefore taking account of the legendary “San Huang (three emperors)’’ and “Wu Di (five sovereigns)”2015-11-19 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第25期:秦朝(经略边疆)
Xiongnu, a powerful nomadic people living on the Mongolian plateau, often harassed the south at the end of the Warring States Period.2015-11-20 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第26期:秦朝(镇压反动势力)
Despite all great jobs he did, Qin Shi Huang ruled as a ruthless tyrant.尽管秦始皇有许多创举,但他却是个暴君。2015-11-20 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第28期:汉朝(西汉)
The Western Han Dynasty lasted more than 230 years over 14 generations, including the Xin Dynasty founded by Wang Mang.2015-11-24 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第27期:秦朝(灭亡)
Qin Shi Huang longed for longevity, so he sent his ministers to go on quests seeking for an elixir of immortality.秦始皇想长生不老,于是派人去寻找可以让人长生不老的仙丹2015-11-23 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第29期:汉朝(休养生息)
Han Dynasty inherited most of the Qin's administrative systems.汉朝各种制度基本上沿袭秦朝。2015-11-25 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第30期:汉朝(加强中央集权)
In 139 B. C. , Emperor Wu Di succeeded to the throne.公元前139年,汉武帝继位。2015-11-26 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第32期:汉朝(科学与文化)
Significant academic and cultural achievements were made in the Han Dynasty.汉时的文化发展取得了辉煌的成就。2015-11-30 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第31期:汉朝(政治与经济)
In his later years, Emperor Wudi squandered money, exhausting the treasuries accumulated in the eariy period.汉武帝统治后期,挥霍无度,国库空虚。2015-11-27 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第33期:汉朝(东汉)
The Xin Dynasty lasted only 14 years after Wang Mang usurped the throne王莽篡权建立新朝虽然只有14年的时间2015-12-01 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 涓?嫳鍙岃?璇濆巻鍙
The Eastern Han was another strong and prosperous dynasty after the Western Han, and its economy went on booming.东汉是继西汉之后国力强盛,封建经济继续发展的一个王朝。2015-12-02 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第35期:汉朝(宦官与朋党)
The Eastern Han Dynasty entered its middle period when the 10-year-old Emperor.公元88年,仅10岁的和帝继位,窦太后临朝。2015-12-03 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第36期:汉朝(农民起义)
In 184, the Yellow Turban Rebellion occurred, which was a peasant rebellion against the Eastern Han Dynasty in the reign of Emperor Ling. 爆发于公元184年的黄巾起义是农民反抗灵帝统治的汉王朝的武装斗争2015-12-04 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第37期:汉朝(东汉经济)
Agriculture in the Eastern Han was more advanced than that of the Western Han 东汉时期的农业生产较西汉更有发展2015-12-07 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第38期:汉朝(对外关系)
During the period of the Eastern Han, transmarine transport expanded, which led to a close relation with other countries.东汉时期海外交通进一步发展。2015-12-08 编辑:Helen