[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):冲突导致1240万非洲人沦为境内流离失所者
In 2015 alone, about 2.4 million Africans were internally displaced by conflict.仅在2015年,约有240万非洲人因冲突沦为境内流离失所者。2016-12-08 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美国计划再派遣200名部队在叙利亚打击ISIS
The U.S. says it will send another 200 troops to fight ISIS in Syria.美国表示将派遣200名部队在叙利亚打击ISIS。2016-12-09 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):你意识到了吗 长颈鹿也正受到灭绝的威胁
The world's tallest land mammal is slowly dying off — but you may not have realized it.世界上最高的陆地哺乳动物正在慢慢地消失,但你可能没有意识到。2016-12-12 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):气候变化正在降低北极熊生存的机会
Researchers looked at climate change effect on the Arctic Sea and calculated the likelihood of this projected population drop is 71 percent.研究人员观察气候变化对北极海的影响,并计算出预计种群下降的可能性为百分之71。2016-12-13 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):印度尼西亚发生6.5级地震 至少97人遇难
Rescue crews in Indonesia's western Aceh province are searching for survivors after a 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit Wednesday morning.周三早上印度尼西亚西部亚齐省遭6.5级地震袭击,救援人员正在搜寻幸存者。2016-12-14 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):奥兰多枪击案遇难者家属起诉科技巨头公司
The families of three people killed in the Orlando nightclub massacre have filed a lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter and Google.奥兰多夜店枪击案3名被害人的家属向脸谱网、推特和谷歌提起诉讼。2016-12-15 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):俄罗斯驻土耳其大使遇刺身亡
Russia's ambassador to Turkey was assassinated in Ankara on Monday evening.俄罗斯驻土耳其大使周一晚上在安卡拉遇刺身亡。2016-12-16 编辑:kahn
[] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):意念控制机器人为残疾人提供帮助
1970-01-01 编辑:
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):意念控制机器人为残疾人提供帮助
This mind-controlled robot could open a new world for people with disabilities.这个通过意念控制的机器人可以为残疾人打开一个新的世界。2016-12-17 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):墨西哥烟花爆竹市场爆炸至少29人死亡
The explosion happened Tuesday afternoon at a popular market in Tultepec, which is north of Mexico City. 爆炸发生在周二下午一个广受欢迎的市场,位于墨西哥城北部图尔特佩克。2016-12-18 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):俄罗斯大使遇刺不影响叙利亚和谈进程
Talks between Iran, Russia and Turkey regarding a path toward a Syrian peace deal went forward as planned Tuesday. 伊朗、俄罗斯和土耳其就关于叙利亚和平协议的会谈在周二如期进行。2016-12-19 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):联合国向菲律宾施加压力要求调查总统杜特尔特
The UN wants the Philippines to investigate its president for murder. 联合国希望菲律宾调查其总统的谋杀案。2016-12-20 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):叙利亚儿童异国他乡担起养家糊口重任
Many of these Syrian refugee kids could be working longer hours than most American workers.许多叙利亚难民孩子的工作时间比大多数美国工人长。2016-12-21 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):约2000个古巴家庭将很快接入互联网
Thousands of Cubans will soon have internet access in their homes for the first time.数千个古巴家庭将很快在家里首次接入互联网。2016-12-22 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):新研究发现猎豹已濒临灭绝
Cheetahs are currently listed as a "vulnerable" species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list.猎豹目前被国际自然保护联盟红色名单列为易危物种。2016-12-23 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美芝加哥“血腥”圣诞周末 12人遭枪杀
If anybody thinks that this is OK or that it's normal, then you're wrong.如果有人认为这是正常的,那你就错了。2016-12-24 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):太阳能现在比化石燃料便宜
Here's one good thing to come out of 2016 — solar energy is finally cheaper than fossil fuels. 2016年有一个好事情,太阳能最终比化石燃料便宜。2016-12-25 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):俄军用运输机赴叙利亚途中坠毁 92人遇难
Ninety-two people died when a Russian military plane crashed in the Black Sea on Sunday.周日,一架俄罗斯军用飞机在黑海坠毁,造成92人遇难。2016-12-26 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):阿富汗首位女飞行员赴美训练寻求庇护 拒绝回国
Afghanistan's first female pilot is seeking asylum in the U.S. after receiving death threats from the Taliban and members of her own family.在接到塔利班和家人成员的死亡威胁后,阿富汗首位女飞行员向美国寻求庇护。2016-12-27 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):上海海关查获国内最大一起穿山甲走私案
Chinese officials announced they've made the largest bust of the world's most trafficked mammal, the pangolin.中国官员宣布已经查获最大一起哺乳动物穿山甲走私案。2016-12-28 编辑:kahn