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本人是不折不扣的欧美电影和美剧迷,闲暇之余,总爱打着学英语的幌子到处涉猎欧美电影和观赏美剧。真是有心栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成阴...没想到这日子一长,还真从中吸引到了不少知识。现在一谈学英语,脑子里就充2012-01-05 编辑:lily 标签: 影视
原文对白节选台词:Forrest Gump: Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mama always said life was like a box of choco2011-12-21 编辑:lily 标签: 影视
《命运规划局》(The Adjustment Bureau)是2011年3月首映的美国影片,由著名影星Matt Damon和Emily Blunt领衔主演。影片改编自科幻小说家Philip K. Dick的短篇故事Adjustment Team,主要探讨了我们究竟能否掌握自己2011-12-20 编辑:lily 标签: 影视
原文对白节选台词:Forrest: Now they told us that Vietnam was going to be very different from the Untied States of America. Except for all the beer cans and the barbecue, it was.Bubba: I bet there'2011-12-20 编辑:lily 标签: 影视
《命运规划局》(The Adjustment Bureau)是2011年3月首映的美国影片,由著名影星Matt Damon和Emily Blunt领衔主演。影片改编自科幻小说家Philip K. Dick的短篇故事Adjustment Team,主要探讨了我们究竟能否掌握自己2011-12-19 编辑:lily 标签: 影视